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A Prayer for “Feel Good” Feelings

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2021

Clearing yourself for more peace and “feel good” feelings in your life is something that you do.

It is making room for the activity of Spirit in your mind and heart. 

You dissolve away sadness, fears, bitterness, mistakes, regrets, disappointments and get clear. 


Clearing doesn’t have to be some “big” ginormous task.

Rather, I like to think of hurtful memories like strands of cobwebs being dusted away with a feather duster. 

You get to watch as you gently wipe them all away.  

And when you know what you are doing… 

Oh boy, it works. 

I am living proof. 

We have the ability to rise in love above any difficult situation and the clarity of mind to put an end to it.   


God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power 

and of love and of a sound mind. 2Timothy 1:7


This clearing prayer was given to me years ago when I felt bogged down replaying a hurtful experience. 

I use it to get free whenever I feel I’m stuck recycling negative feelings. 

I’ve seen it work miracles for people like us.

 Click here for: A Prayer for “Feel Good” Feelings  

And for a beautiful process to capture your rogue thoughts so you stop repeating negative hurts, sign up to be notified when my upcoming FREE prosperity training is released.

Wouldn’t it feel great to let happiness and well-being become the norm for you! 

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In touch with the divine:
If you want to go deeper with today’s spiritual insight, take note of what word or phrase stands out to you. Be still for a moment throughout the day and feel its influence within you.

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